Interchange Retail Park
Ipswich, IP8 3TT
The scheme is a purpose built retail warehouse park and adjacent pizza restaurant and coffee shop.
Unit C - 7,558 sq ft available - 2,000 sq ft trading mezzanine. (Can be extended to 10,000 sq ft - further details on request).
Use Class
Teesside Pension FundAVAILABILITY
- Unitsq ftsq mTenant
- Unit A 25,000 2,323 Currys / PC World
- Unit B 25,000 2,323 B&M
- Unit C 7,558 702 To Let
- Restaurant 3,100 288 Pizza Hut
- Coffee 1,507 140 Costa
Charlie McIntosh 0207 199 29740791 757 5377 View Linkedin
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