Vision Retail & Leisure Park
Hartlepool, TS24 0YA
66,790 sq ft of retail / leisure in the centre of Hartlepool’s successful out of town retail / leisure district.
8,350 sq ft of retail/restaurant units.
Use Class
M Seven Real EstateDemographics
There is a catchment of 200,595 within a 20 minute drive of Hartlepool.
- Unitsq ftsq mTenant
- Unit 1 10,175 945 To Let
- Unit 2 20,410 1,896 To Let
- Unit 3 20,225 1,879 To Let
- Unit 4 7,160 665 To Let
- Unit 6 1,800 167 Costa
- Unit 7a 1,104 103 Subway
- Unit 8 2,405 223 At Ladies Room Hair Salon
- Kiosk 1 242 22 Marina Pizza
- Kiosk 2 227 21
- Unit 7 3,000 279
Luke Sowerby 0207 199 297707584 245 664
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